Such a long lead time would only leave more opportunity for someone to stumble upon the game and tip fans off to the game before the company was ready to make an announcement. The Utopia URLs were registered in June of 2006, which would be awfully early if NCsoft didn't plan on actually announcing the game until 2007. They struggle to balance curiosity with duty, eagerness with chivalry, and warfare with honor. These noble beings travel, seeking adventure and pursuing quests. Vanguard: You can reserve a whole family of mobs just for your party Open dungeons offer a whole set of complications and issues with greedy and malicious players. They awaken beneath the Pale Tree with knowledge gleaned in their pre-life Dream. For some time, 'Utopia' was rumored to be the name of campaign 4, but NCsoft have meanwhile clarified and stated: 'It actually was used as a project name for an unannounced project, but we do not intend to use it for a product name.' (Source: GameSpot) ArenaNet artist Kirsten Perry: This was. The professions are about all they could salvage from it now, but I'm not sure if they'd fit in very well. Guild Wars Utopia is the name of a Guild Wars related website domain registered by NCsoft in June 2006. A lot of the Aztec stuff became the foundation for the asura, etc. For a longer version, check out our Game Archaeologist retrospective on the aborted project. GW Utopia Chronomancer concept art Doug Williams, Guild Wars 2, Gw, Utopia. ago Yak's Bend Most of Utopia was recycled for Eye of the North or even into eventual GW2 stuff.

Given that Nightfall launched in October, the next add-on is roughly due for release in April, and it seems about time that NCsoft started talking about it. That’s the saga of Guild Wars Utopia in a nutshell. NCsoft has said it wants to put two expansion packs out each year, with Factions and Nightfall being the company's first two releases. While the rumor flew under the radar for the better part of a month, it began spreading more quickly through the Guild Wars fan community earlier this week. org counterparts, suggesting that the fourth chapter in the Guild Wars franchise would in fact be called Utopia. The day after Christmas, he posted on his site news that he had unearthed URLs for a few Guild Wars Web sites registered by NCsoft. The chronomancer first tentatively entered the Guild Wars universe in the plans for the scrapped Guild Wars Utopia campaign note: link is in English only, which was replaced by the Guild Wars: Eye of the North expansion while ArenaNet began development on Guild Wars 2.
What we heard: With the last Guild Wars expansion released a couple months earlier and nary a whisper from NCsoft on the next semi-annual update to the franchise, Photics Webmaster Michael Garofalo spent some of the holiday season digging for clues. Feels almost like Guild Wars: Utopia with its planned meso-american influences is echoing from its pores. Source: A news post on gaming news site Photics, pointing to a "WhoIs" search showing that belongs to NCsoft. The Guild Wars world tour, starting with Europe ( Prophecies) and going to Asia ( Factions) and Africa ( Nightfall ), was set to visit South American themes with Utopia.